Trian3DBuilder Release 7.1
Already available for download. Check out our new PBR Library!
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This release completes the development of our new PBR (Physical Based Rendering) material library and is therefore of particular interest to customers who are using modern game engines like Unreal or Unity. Important improvements have been implemented for Unreal Datasmith export, as well as for CDB format. New Material Library. Compose and previsualize PBR materials by combining layers of PBR maps
Multiple texture layers (metallic, normal, roughness, occlusion, displacement, emission, …)
Basic operations per layer (import texture, set color, channel selection, transparency, invert)
Exports assigned layer maps to engines that support PBR.
OpenGL preview.
Advanced Library Search.
Make and customize your materials.

* In the picture above, Trian3DBuilder's material preview window (Open GL).

* In the picture above, Trian3DBuilder's Scene imported into Unity, PBR maps are already assigned to the materials. Extended Unreal Export. Better performance, more control and automation.
Better mapping of the structure and naming in the scene-graph.
Prebuilt import “recipes” that merge geometry based on tagged areas, groups, materials…
Supports instanced geometry.
Exports PBR layers from the Material Library.

* In the picture above, Trian3DBuilder's scene imported in Unreal Engine. Common Database Format (CDB)
Multiple layer of T2DModels.
Improved import and export
Support for airport models with lighting.

* In the picture above, Trian3DBuilder's scene imported in Unreal Engine.